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Where art thou?

Genesis 3:9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou

Everybody is some place; physically and spiritually. Some people look at life like a car ride across the country. Just on a journey and enjoying the view. It’s not my favorite analogy but I understand the concept. So let’s take this point of view and go somewhere with it.

I am physically in my office. In my office chair with my shoes off. Earlier today I was at a small dinner eating lunch with new friends; shoes on. Later today I will be going and visiting a friend not feeling well. But where is this journey taking me? First I can see that I am happy. Not happy because I am pleased with myself. Happy because I made a decision to go somewhere new and meet very friendly people. Happy that I went to work today to see something accomplished. Happy that I will show friendship to a friend.

Secondly I can see that I have opened a door for the future “Future- The time following the moment of speaking, the time regarded as still to come”. In the future I can go to a comfortable place and call someone by name. A personable experience that makes this journey more enjoyable. I have accomplished things today that will need finishing tomorrow which gives me purpose for the future and certain expectations for myself.

Enough about me; Where art thou? Happily awaiting the future? Nervous and fearful for the future? Depressed and not concerned for the future? Many emotions can come from the journey of today. As I have shared; I am happy today. But it could have been easily on the other side of the spectrum. I could be nervous about tomorrow, or nervous about next week if I hide from today.

God was asking Adam “where art thou?” because Adam was nervous and fearful and chose to be hidden. Most of the world chooses to be hidden from this life journey as well; especially Americans. We like to hide from responsibility and commitments ultimately because we became exhausted with being nervous and fearful for the future. This causes us to stay hidden and see very little accomplishments and very little purpose for the future. No purpose equals no expectations for life. This is called depression. According to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance 14.8 million Americans suffer from major depression disorders. Which is 6.7% of the USA’s population. Two thirds of this 6.7% turn into suicides. This alarming statistic makes me want to ask again; Where art thou?

Adam hid from God because he was afraid. Afraid of the consequences of his actions. You and I are no different. We know that we act out selfishly from time to time. Putting ourselves before someone else, which is not pleasing to God. Or worse putting ourselves before God. Or even worse putting ourselves before someone who doesn’t know God. And though our behavior we hinder their journey toward God.

This journey is not merely a highway we are coasting down. It is a spiritual journey that we are deciding where and how far to go down. If we decide to hide from starting a spiritual journey then we stay in the garage of no expectations parked next to the shiny, slightly used disappointed life. But if we decide to start this journey that will take us to happily ever after then at some point we have to decide to take Jesus with us.

I can ask over and over again; Where art thou? But I will already know the answer if you did not except Christ as savior and driver for this journey. If you have, Great! Then I’ll ask; Where art thou?

Stopped and taking a break from traveling with Christ? Made a U turn and heading back to the garage of no expectations? Pressing toward the mark? If we are going to look at a journey called life. Being parked is not a journey. Deciding to go, and then going is a journey.

Let me encourage you to decide to do something, somewhere that matters and make this journey worth traveling. Get involved with those who have decided to go all the way. Don’t waste your future on the “Adams” of this world that will never experience life happily ever after because they choose to stay hidden. I’ll also add….. Don’t waste your future on the “churches of Adam” of this world who have choose to never get out of the garage and share their journey with others. There are plenty of real Christians on this journey called life that have chosen to live life without an emergency break. Not looking too stopped or turn back. Just pressing toward the mark, Philippians 3:14.

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